Sales Budgets: 7 Steps For Growth

This template will walk you through each of the steps to write a sales plan of your own. If you’re launching a new product, create a sales plan specifically to generate revenue from the new launch. Once you‘ve outlined where you want to go, you must figure out how you’ll get there. This section summarizes your game plan for hitting your revenue targets. Try to be thorough but concise when detailing these steps — and try to support any items you detail with a clear, viable timeline. For our edtech example, let’s say we intend to lean heavily on an inbound marketing strategy.

  • For example, businesses can tell how much inventory to order and how many employees they need.
  • For example, HubSpot’s salespeople might primarily sell marketing software to CMOs and sales software to sales directors.
  • A market expansion plan outlines a task list and target metrics when expanding into a new market or territory.
  • To make this process easier, there are budgeting techniques available to help firms track their progress accurately and efficiently.

So, after looking at the previous year’s sales numbers, this sales budget is factoring in anticipated discounts of a quarterly average of 3% of gross sales through the budget period. Have your current selling price of each unit or service on hand. If you have multiple products or services you will need the current selling price for each one. Effective management of a sales budget involves continuous monitoring and analysis of actual sales performance against the budgeted figures.

Create a sales budget to generate achievable sales goals for your team.

Sales budgets are typically monthly or quarterly presentations of what a company expects to make in sales (both in dollar and unit amounts) for a specific budgeting period. These sales expectations are calculated based on various departments’ knowledge of the products being sold, as well as their expectations for the future. The sales forecast tells you the number of units you can expect to sell in a given time. Usually, the marketing team generates these estimates, and can also be called marketing forecasts too. The forecast tells you exactly how much you can expect to sell based on trends.

  • A well-planned budget comes in super handy for making the tough decisions you’ll have to make as a manager.
  • Your sales reps are the ones dealing with the customers on a day to day basis in the present market.
  • The best starting point for any sales forecast or budget is a spreadsheet template or model that is built to meet the sales forecast needs.
  • With all of your data at your fingertips, you have everything you need to create your sales budget.
  • This example of the sales budget is simplistic, since it assumes that the company only sells in one product category.

Don’t worry if you feel overwhelmed; the internet provides ample resources to help guide your decision. A sales budget is an itemized plan that predicts your total expected sales revenue by considering the number of units you anticipate selling and the price you intend to sell them at. It sets a reference point for how much money you expect to bring in during a given period to guide goal setting and financial forecasting. A sales budget is the estimated number of units and revenue that a company expects to sell in a given time period.

Why is a sales budget important?

Once you have formed a picture of exactly how many sales you expect during a time period, this will shape the expected revenue (a.k.a. the sales targets) and costs in the sales budget. Finally, you’ll learn about monitoring actual results against your sales budget – crucial for understanding market conditions and adjusting strategies accordingly. With these insights at hand, calculating your company’s next quarter or yearly sales budgets should be less daunting than ever before. Setting a realistic sales budget is important for measuring the success of your sales team. By projecting how much you need to spend on sales throughout the year, you can meet company expectations and avoid unnecessary expenses. In this second example, the budget period is broken down quarterly for a company that only sells one product.

Step #6 – Market Trends and Current Events Factor

These are the tools your team will use to reach revenue targets. Your company could use project management resources like Monday or Asana to keep track of deadlines. Programs like Adobe Photoshop and Canva are resources for designing graphics to send to prospects. While your team is essential, their function becomes obsolete without the tools to do their job. The sales trend over the last few years will help determine how much to produce that you can sell.

How to Write a Sales Plan

Past sales numbers will give you a good foundation to start your sales budget. But, it is true that past performance does not always predict future results. That is why current market trends in your industry should also be a factor when preparing your budget. As a whole, the sales budget (and the process of creating it) acts as a guide, helping direct your company and its sales team over the rest of the month, quarter, and year.

Once you have implemented this strategy to create your sales planning process, the final step is outlining your action items. Using your company’s capacity and quota numbers, build a list of steps that take you through the sales process. Examples of action items are writing a sales call script, identifying industry competitors, or strategizing new incentives or perks. Stakeholders are individuals, groups, or organizations with a vested interest in your company. They are typically investors, employees, or customers and often have deciding power in your business. Towards the end of your sales planning process, involve stakeholders from departments that affect your outcomes, such as marketing and product.

Sales budget figures are usually presented in terms of both dollars and number of units. Monitoring actual results against the sales budget is crucial for businesses to compare predictions with reality and make adjustments for future planning. Figuring out how to work up a sales budget is an essential ability for any entrepreneur, marketer, or sales director. A well-structured sales budget can provide an accurate forecast of the company’s future financial health and assist in making strategic decisions.